Thursday, February 28, 2008

Lik Chun’s House

How should I define your house? What does it mean to us? (us = those people who purposely have fun until dam late then don’t want to go back home) Hmm..your house used to be my second home when I was studying at PJ SEGi in year 2007, some terrible idiots even defined your house = our house (our = me and lik chun) zzz. I don’t know since when we became gay couple, but I am sure that we are 100% ordinary man like others in the world. Want evidence? That’s easy, watch porn movie with us then u all will know. So, whoever say something bad about us again, I will force u to watch porn with us. BEAR IN MIND!!
(Lik, good enough?)

Next, I think most of us overnight at your place before. Guys are like me, tack seng, kai kiong (although he was not there on 28/2), liew. Gals we have ling ying, chye cheng, kai xin, shyan, quin (who got half leg relationship with lik, finally your dream comes true). Did I miss anyone? OH!! Miss Hong Lili (who currently suffering at Canada)! I know u will definitely join our big family if u r in Msia now, FOR SURE!! No worry la, when u back to Msia in coming April, we go kacau lik chun again la, he is dam free. If you don’t need a big spotlight then I go back home after that, but must yam cha at Williams, the cheese naan (I spell correctly right?) is so so nice! Another person I wan to mention is YLY. Duh, next time if u wanna overnight at lik chun’s house, can you please sleep at living room? Li, we all have nightmare because of her. Sleep until half then suddenly got ppl pull away your blanket, worse than color wolf, liew, m I right? You were also almost raped by her tat night, sorry that I couldn’t do anything to bring you out from hell. Kiong, luckily u were not here, otherwise u must be the 1st victim. Sob sob (LY, don’t angry ya ^^). Lik chun and tack seng, however, should be quite enjoy la. Why? bcoz LY did massage for them, by standing on their back with her legs. Haha, I think someone will leave comment and tell the story in more detailed later on.

I don’t wan to talk about the dinner, so someone who involved in cooking pls post it faster. Anyway, that dinner was so nice, not only the food is tasty (not all), but what is more meaningful is that, so many of us can stick together and have meal on a small-square-plastic-made table =D Pretty nice memory, Shyan, feel touching enough? Actually I miss your spaghetti so much, must cook again when u back to Msia next time. I hereby sincerely express my great thanks to our main chef - lik chun and liew, and other chef assistants – chye cheng, shyan, ling ying and kai xin as well. Eh, don’t forget that I and tack seng also contributed 2 big bottles of 100 Plus, 1.5 liters x 2 = 3 litlers, heavy u know! Also, Leng did also contribute a lot, thank for providing your place for this gathering.

Lastly, u guys must say thank you to me! I scarified myself to skip class (28/2/08) just to post it on blog, high efficiency right! I spent so much of energy and time, so next time u guys remember to fetch me back to ss2 after any event la. U guys know ah, it is so suffer when u got no cloth to change after bathe, sweat zzz. Lik, I got no choice, pinjam ur cloth again, but seriously, it’s not on my will la! Ok, after doing word count, there are 631 words b4 this sentence, should be long enough.
Bring Up My Post !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008




哎`````男人这辈子挺难的:找个漂亮女人吧,太操心,找个不漂亮的吧,又不甘心;光顾事业了,人家说你没责任感,光顾家了,人家又说你没本事;专一点吧,人家说你不成熟;花心点吧,人家说你是禽兽;有钱,说你是坏人,没有钱,人家骂你窝囊废;自己奋斗吧,等有钱了女友也老了,让女人养吧,不如自宫练葵花宝典算了。不去应酬,怕被老板废了,去应酬吧,怕被老婆废了。长帅点吧,太抢手,不帅吧,拿不出手; 活泼点吧,说你太油, 不出声吧,说你太闷; 穿西装吧,说你太严肃, 穿随便一点吧,说你乡吧佬; 会挣钱吧,怕你包二奶; 不挣钱吧,又怕孩子断奶,结婚吧,怕自己后悔;不结婚吧,怕她后悔, 要个孩子吧,怕出来没钱养, 不要孩子吧,怕老了没人养。女人可以等嫁,俺们等啥呀?女人还有个三八节,俺们有啥呀?这年头做女人难,做男人更难,男人,就要对自己好点。祝天下所有的爷们自安天命!

(本文章纯属copy & paste,如有不是之处,还请多多包涵)


12/03/2007 11.43am
