Friday, May 23, 2008

True Fitness. True Exhaustement

haha..i'm back

Free trial for 1 week at True Fitness is finally over, it is my 1st time to do gym at fitness centre, not bad, so far so good. The environment is excellent, got air-cond and nice music, various type of exercise machines, studio for dancing (this is the part that i'm interested with, many different dancing lessons r provided, can join for FREE). Last but not least, the stim room and sauna room.. the high temperature make u sweat again after doing exercise, wow, i like tat kind of feeling, tiring but it's so enjoy man ^^

Seriously, i was suffering from muscle pain after training with the personal trainer on 1st day. It is so painful, my whole body pain until i lazy to walk. I wanna lose weight but dunno y the trainer keep asking me to do exercises tat can build muscle : / Should i get rid of my fat b4 that? haha, i set my goal to lose 10kg weight, the trainer said that i can make it within 3-4 months if i follow his instructions to do exercise and change my habit of having meal. Is it possible? so far i just measure my weight today, my weight remains the same, reduce 0kg, i m wondering, how tough is it to lose 10kg fat like tat =_=" I miss the time when i was in secondary school, when i was still haiz..nothing to say when i look at my spare tyre now.

I will continuously do exercise anyway, n i will join member at any fitness centre when i start working later (try my best =D). AKYBF!

A - Always
K - Keep
Y - Your
B - Body
F - Fit

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


剛幫我媽切完洋蔥, 第一次在家幫忙下廚, 才發現原來烹飪真的不簡單哦, 還蠻累的. 常聽人說, 切洋蔥很講技巧, 一不留神被溢到眼睛, 眼淚就流個不停. 但是這并難不倒我, 我可沒掉過半滴眼淚, 看來我在這方面還真有天分的, 哈哈. 不過, 我想認真的說一句, 我家的蚊子真的不是蓋的, 我走到哪就被叮到哪, 鍛鍊有素!

其實這幾天待在家裡真的很悠閒, 甚至有點無聊, 人考試我考試, 照理說我因該忙於溫習功課, 怎麼我卻剛剛相反, 救命啊! 一定要鞭策自己努力過得充充實實, 不要讓自己有太多空閒時間去胡思亂想; 反而因該認真計畫畢業後要做些甚麼. 以下是我暫時想到我因該也可以做的一些事情:

1. 積極找工作
2. 學駕駛
3. 學下廚
4. Keep Fit

(次序不分先後 ^^)

有事業了就可以開始尋找我的'終身幸福'. 不過這可能要等几年後才會實現了.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Girls' Talk..

Today is the 1st time i have ever experienced wad is so called 'Gals Talk'..really lose to 'them', i was just nobody at the moment..sweat. 6 gals sticked together and chatting non stop, no politics no games no sports, but when u listen carefully to them, u would find sth funny when they talk until so exciting about 芝麻綠豆 stuff. So, i did actually enjoy myself so much although i was just looking at their facial expression, but 2 bad i dunno how to act like 'them', wasted : / And i dun really remember how they laugh how they shout, wad i can conclude is that these gals r so 'geng'. I can listen their voice though i was at 1st floor n they at ground floor, amazing right? Imagine how noisy when there r 3 women chit-chatting in ur class..n there were 6 women at my place tat time, WOW!! Pasar Malam!! but i think my mum does not mind since they made my house 又熱鬧又女色無邊, thanks god that police din come to my place la =D

How do i feel after that? hmm.. so far so good la, used to it since the day i mixed around with them, but today i m the onli GUY, feel like 孤掌難鳴, the other two guys put aeroplane, 'THEY' left me alone. Anyway, everything must have the '1st time', i dun mind to get myself into this kind of situation again, aiya all gals, i will never 'rugi'. As long as they happy, i happy. Why? Understood la.. ngek ngek.. Friends ma!!

Sorry that my place got quite many of mosquitoes, i hereby apologise to those who were bitten. Nothing much i can do, but i think i can provide 'MOPIKO' if there is a need. is time to sleep..zzz

Friday, May 02, 2008


現代人通常都提倡遲婚, 因為大家都想做事業心重的男女強人. 我身邊就有個女人是例外的, 她還沒畢業就已經計畫想嫁人了. 唉, 沒辦法啦, 人各有志. 今天無聊看八卦雜誌時看到一篇文章, 希望可以給各位一些寶貴意見.

讓一個男人愛上一個女人是件容易的事, 但要如何讓男人對你死心塌地? 做個個性的女人吧, 讓男人慢性中毒, 當男人的毒癮被挑起來的時候, 你會不會為自己的高明與個性而自豪呢, 抓住男人靠的不只是知情達里, 還要有自己的個性, 這樣的女人, 才是最有魅力的.

To be continue...